Stuart Govan giving a speech on how to make research papers more eye-catching (photo provided by SIA’s Human Resources and Education Department)
Stuart Govan, Business Development Manager of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)’s China division, visited Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on February 21, 2012, giving a report on writing research papers for journal publication.
In his speech, named “Writing Your Research Paper to Optimize Your Chances of Journal Publication”, Govan pointed out the important issues in selecting topic, collecting materials, choosing format, writing outline and body, as well as revising papers, by showing specific examples. Based on his previous experience as associate editor and managing editor in IET, Govan gave many practical advices on making papers more eye-catching and thus successfully published. After the speech, he answered questions from the researchers and postgraduate students of SIA.
During his visit, Govan also met with Qu Yanli, director of SIA’s Documentation and Information Center, to discuss how to raise the quality of Robot and Information & Control, both internationally-published academic journals co-sponsored by SIA and the Chinese Association of Automation (CAA).
Formed in March 2006 by a merger of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE), IET currently has more than 150,000 members worldwide in 127 countries. The IET publishes more than 100 new titles every year; a rich mix of books, journals and magazines with a back catalog of more than 500 publications, and its 21 Technical and Professional Networks generate activities covering the full spectrum of reliable information, industry leading events and access to expertise across the IET’s engineering and technology areas. (Dai Tianjiao)