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Professor Liu Lianqing won the 2024 Science and Technology Exploration Award
Author: Update times: 2024-10-21                          | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A

Group photo of the winners 

The 6th annual Science and Technology Exploration Award ceremony was held in Shanghai on October 19, where 49 young scientists were awarded. Liu Lianqing, deputy director of Shenyang Institute of Automation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIACAS), won the Science and Technology Exploration Award in the field of advanced manufacturing and went on stage to receive the award.

On August 26, the list of winners for the 2024 Science and Technology Exploration Award was announced, and Liu Lianqing, a researcher at the State Key Laboratory of Robotics at SIACAS, was among them.

The award was established in 2018 and is a public welfare award sponsored by the New Foundation for Science and Technology Innovation, which is led by scientists and focuses on basic science and cutting-edge technologies. It aims to look ahead to the future, reward potential, and encourage exploration. It supports and encourages young science and technology workers to pursue their research undistracted by exploring the "no man's land" of science, and selects no more than 50 winners each year.

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