Prof. David M. Lane, fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society of Edinburgh, director of Edinburgh Centre for Robotics (ECR), visited Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA) upon the invitation of the State Key Laboratory of Robotics (SKLR) on March 10th. During his visit, David M. Lane made a report titled Delivering Transformational Innovation from Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering. Shuo Li, deputy director of SIA, chaired the meeting. Xisheng Feng, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and other relevant researchers and graduate students of SIA, attended the meeting.
During the report, Prof. David M. Lane gave an introduction of the latest research on artificial intelligence, human-machine interaction, marine robotics, service robot and medical robot in ECR. He emphasized that the development of artificial intelligence and robot technology is mainly driven by neural network mechanism at present, delivering transformational innovation of robotics. Then Prof. David M. Lane conducted discussions with the relevant researchers and graduate students of SIA and gave patient answers to the raised questions.

Prof. David M. Lane making an academic report (Image by SIA)
After the report, MoU Signing between ECR and SKLR was held. SKLR and ECR signed the Memorandum of Understanding to establish a collaborative relationship in scientific research, personnel visiting and scholar exchange. Haibin Yu, director of SIA and SKLR, declared the appointment of Prof. David M. Lane as SIA guest professor.

MoU signing ceremony between ECR and SKLR (Image by SIA)
During the visit, Prof. David M. Lane visited the State Key Laboratory of Robotics and SIASUN Robot& Automation Co. Ltd, and discussed in-depth about potential collaboration with SIA researchers on marine robotics, nano robotics, electric power industry robotics and medical robotics.

Prof. David M. Lane visiting the exhibition of AUV (Image by SIA)

Discussion between the two sides (Image by SIA)
David Michael Lane is Professor and Founding Director in the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics. He established Heriot-Watt’s Ocean Systems Laboratory with an international reputation in marine robotics, publishing nearly 200 cited publications. His research interest includes engineering of advanced cognition into autonomous system control and predictive fault detection and diagnosis for condition based maintenance. He has been a visiting Fellow at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution USA and visiting Professor at Florida Atlantic University. He has been elected to fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society of Edinburgh. He was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to Engineering in 2016. (Underwater Robotics Department, Department of Human Resources and Education)