Experts from the UK subsea products provider Tritech International Limited visited the Underwater Robotics Department of Shenyang Institute of Automation (SIA) on October 22, introducing and promoting the latest imaging sonar products and technical progress of their company. Yu Jiancheng, associate professor of the Underwater Robotics Department, Liu Tianxiang who is in charge of SIA’s international cooperation affairs, and other technical personnel of SIA attended the technical seminar.
Ben Grant, Customer Training Manager of Tritech, and Blair McNiven, Customer Support Engineer of Tirtech, introduced the main products of the company, including DST (Digital Sonar Technology) sonar series, Gemini and Eclipse multibeam imaging sonar, SeaKing side scan sonar systems series, as well as altimeters, camera and lighting systems. They highlighted Tritech’s latest imaging sonar product SeaKing Hammerhead DST, and played some latest experimental videos of the product at the Qingdao Harbor in China’s Shandong Province.